
24 USING THE HUB: Monitoring the Hub
If you are using the AUI port without an external transceiver, the SQE Test can be
used to verify the integrity of the connection.
To enable the SQE Test on port 9, please follow the steps below:
1 Login to the M208 as a root user.
2 At the npsh prompt, type the following command:
config hub 9 sqe
Monitoring the Hub
Monitoring the hub can be done on two levels, by observing the LED lights on the
both the front and back panels of the unit and by using the hub monitoring features
included in the npsh command set.
Hub Monitoring Using the LEDs
The M208’s hub component has ten LEDs associated with it: two LEDs on the front
panel indicating collisions and general hub activity and eight LEDs on the back indi-
cating port activity.
The collision LED (COL) on the front panel will flash when the hub is experiencing
transmission collisions. The rate of flash corresponds to the amount of collisions that
the hub is experiencing.
The activity LED (ACT) on the front panel will flash when the hub is experiencing
network activity. The rate of flash corresponds to the amount of network activity the
hub is experiencing.
The port activity LEDs on the back panel will flash when the port is receiving data
from the network. The rate of flash corresponds to the amount of data being sent or
received by the port.
When a port has been auto-segmented, the port activity LED will flash slowly until the
hub terminates the auto-segment condition.