26 USING THE HUB: Monitoring the Hub
Collisions Displays the number of occurrences where the port
has activity on both its receive and transmit pairs.
This is a normal event within a CSMA/CD network.
Excessive collisions, however, may indicate an over-
loaded network or a wiring error.
Data Rate Mismatches Displays the number of occurrences where the fre-
quency or data rate of the incoming signal is different
from the local transmit frequency.
Enabled Displays whether the port is enabled. If enabled, data
received on another port is transmitted on the trans-
mit pair. If disabled, the transmit pair is inactive
while the receive pair is active.
FCS Errors Displays the number of frames detected on a port
with an invalid Frame Check Sequence (FCS).
Frame Too Longs Displays the number of frames that exceed the maxi-
mum valid packet length of 1518 bytes.
Last Scr Address Displays the value of the Ethernet source address
field of the last valid frame it received.
Late Events Displays the number of instances where a collision is
detected after the LateEvent Threshold in the frame.
This attribute will be counted by both the Late Events
attribute as well as the Collisions attribute.
Link Integrity Test Displays whether the port has the link integrity test
Link Status Displays whether the port passed the link status test.
Loop Back Test Displays whether the AUI port passed the loop back
MJLP Error Displays whether the M208 has a MAU Jabber
Lockup Protection (MJLP) error. A MJLP error is
where the port transmits for a period longer than the
maximum packet length.
Operating Status Displays the operation status of the M208, either
operational or failure.