sary if the M208 is configured as an RPRINTER but optional
cps Characters per second.
CR Carriage return.
CSMA/CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detect. A network arbi-
tration scheme used on Ethernet. A station with a message to send
starts sending if there is no carrier detected on the transmission
medium. If a collision occurs, transmission is abandoned and
retried after a delay.
daemon A continuously running process that handles system-wide func-
tions, such as network administration or line printer spooling and
is not associated with a user.
DCE Data Communications Equipment.
default router A device on a communications network that assists message
delivery. On a single network linking many computers through a
mesh of possible connections, a router receives transmitted mes-
sages and forwards them to their correct destinations over the best
available route. On an interconnected set of local area networks
(LANs) using the same communications protocols, a router acts
as a link between LANs, so messages can be sent between them.
destination Conceptual destination (similar to a logical queue) within the
M208 firmware that defines the print job and directs it to a spe-
cific I/O port.
On the host, any number of print destinations can be defined.
These are not the same as M208 destinations.
DMA Direct Memory Access. A high-speed technique for moving data
into and out of memory.
domain A group of computers administered together.
domain name server (DNS) Host providing responses to queries for a given IP name’s IP
DTE Data Terminal Equipment. A device connected to an Ethernet net-