Compiling Host Software
Some compilation may be needed before adding print setups to your host unless you
have SunOS 4.1.x, Solaris 2.x, or SCO Unix. Pre-compiled binaries are provided for
these. npconfig can be used to do the compilation or you can try and compile each
program independently. For the npconfig method, please:
1 Select Detailed Configuration Options . . . from the npconfig Main Menu.
2 Select Manage Host Software . . . from the Options Sub-Menu.
3 Select Compile Host Software and answer the prompts until compiled.
For more information on all of this provided host software, please see the next sub-
ezsetup and npconfig
ezsetup and npconfig are the two installation programs provided; one is for a very
quick, simple setup and the latter is for a more detailed configuration or for maintain-
ing and troubleshooting the M208. Both programs help you configure your M208 and
direct print jobs to it.
ezsetup provides two choices only; these are the same as the first two choices of
npconfig’s Main Menu. Within minutes, you will have configured the M208 so it can
be recognized on the network and your host will be able to send print jobs successfully
to it.
If you want to spend more time manipulating the extra capabilities of the M208 and
your host’s configuration, use npconfig. It can be used to configure a print destination
on your host and it can also be used as a M208 management utility allowing you to
monitor, change, and troubleshoot the unit.
Both setup scripts create individual log files, /tmp/ezsetup.log and /tmp/npcon-
fig.log, which simultaneously log a copy of all of the commands executed as you run
through each of these scripts.
Please refer to Table 1: npconfig/ezsetup Main Menu, and Table 2: npconfig Detailed
Configuration Options Sub-Menu for an explanation of the menus.