
USING THE HUB: Monitoring the Hub 25
Hub Monitoring Using npsh
The command set npsh provides extensive information regarding the operation of the
hub including both the general operational status of the hub as well as information
specific to each port. This information is valuable for monitoring the operation of the
hub and for troubleshooting your network.
To monitor the operations of the hub as a whole, please follow the steps below:
1 Login to the M208 as a root or guest user.
2 At the npsh prompt, type the following command:
list hub
A screen showing the general operational status of the hub, various counters, and the
configuration of each port is displayed.
To monitor the configuration and operational status of a particular port, please fol-
low the steps below:
1 Login to the M208 as a root or guest user.
2 At the npsh prompt, type the following command:
list hub [
where portnum is the number between 1 and 9 of the port that you want to moni-
A screen showing information specific to the configuration and operation of the
desired port is displayed.
Definitions of Ethernet Terms in List Hub Output
The following defines the Ethernet terms used in the output of the List Hub com-
Alignment Errors Displays the number of frames detected with an
Frame Check Sequence (FCS) error and a framing
Auto Partitioned Displays whether the port has been auto-partitioned
because of undesirable Ethernet activity.
Auto Partitions Displays the number of instances where the M208
has auto-partitioned this port.