
TROUBLESHOOTING THE M208: AppleTalk Problems 167
AppleTalk Problems
The Laserwriter icon in the Chooser Menu doesn’t display any printer
In this situation, these things should be considered:
Are you using EtherTalk rather than LocalTalk or TokenTalk?
Is “EtherTalk” chosen in the Control Panel’s Network icon?
Have you checked the M208 and the Apple system’s Ethernet connections?
Have you configured the M208 to show up in the correct AppleTalk Zone. Please
see AppleTalk Zones on page 76 for information on doing this.
Windows Problems
Windows NT 3.5x
Queue hangs
Hanging print jobs or queues with Windows NT 3.5x usually means there’s a problem
at the host end. Most likely the printer and M208 are sitting on the network waiting for
some form of activity but the host is not doing anything. This is very typical for any
LPR printing with Windows NT 3.5 and is possible with NT 3.51 as well.
The first thing to check is that the printer is in fact ready to go, meaning it is willing to
accept more data. The best way to do this is to the use the lpstat command found on
the M208. In fact, this command’s output will tell you where exactly the problem is.
Therefore, you’ll want to telnet into the unit when the hanging occurs and issue lpstat.
Search under the appropriate I/O port you are printing to and see if you see any mes-
sages like:
“printing data - blocked”
If you see this message with the seconds to the right of the “blocked” message
incrementing with every lpstat command you issue, then the printer is not allow-
ing the M208 to pass data to it. This will hang the print queue because the M208
cannot take more data in its output buffer until the “blocked” message goes away
(i.e. the printer sends the signal saying it’s okay to send more data). Once the