
CONFIGURING THE M208 FOR WINDOWS: M208 Configuration 83
Windows NT IP Address and Netmask Configuration
1 Go to the Main program group.
2 Double click on Control Panel.
3 Double click on Network.
4 Select TCP/IP Protocol from Installed Network Software list.
5 Click on the Configure button.
6 A dialogue box will come up asking for network settings. Fill in the IP address
and netmask for this workstation and then click OK.
Windows for Workgroups IP Address and Netmask Configuration
Configuring an IP address and netmask for the WfW workstation is part of the proce-
dure involved in installing NetBIOS Network Software. Please see Windows For
Workgroups NetBIOS Network Software Installation on page 81 for more details.
Windows 95 IP Address and Netmask Configuration
1 Open the Settings:Control Panel folder.
2 Double click on the Network icon.
3 Under the Installed Network Software list, select the entry dealing with the
TCP/IP Protocol.
4 Click on Configure.
5 A dialogue box will come up asking for network settings. Fill in the IP address
and netmask for this workstation and then click OK.
M208 Configuration
Since TCP/IP is being utilized, the M208’s configuration involves storing an IP
address and a netmask. This is normally handled with the arp command but in the
case of Windows NT and WfW, this does not work reliably. Therefore, the best way to
store an IP address and a netmask is to connect a terminal, PC, or laptop to one of the
M208’s serial ports. This will log you into the unit where you can store the IP address
and netmask.
To configure a M208 with its network settings, please see Manual Configuration