
CONFIGURING THE M208 FOR TCP/IP: Host Configuration 49
tion of the commands necessary to create these entries:
where hp is the printer name sending jobs to the M208 named spike through the inter-
face file npr.if.
To create these entries, please do the following:
1 Create the printer’s spooling directory and associated files.
cd /usr/spool/lpd
mkdir spike
mkdir spike/com2
touch spike/com2/log spike/com2/acct
chown -R daemon.daemon spike
chmod -R g+rwX,o+rX spike
2 Copy the nprbsd.if file from the host software medium to the spooling directory.
Copy the file as npr.if or name it something more meaningful.
cp nprbsd.if /usr/spool/lpd/spike/com2/npr.if
cd /usr/spool/lpd/spike/com2
chown daemon.daemon npr.if
chmod g+rwX,o+rX npr.if
3 Edit the npr.if variables to suit your system environment. Look for the comment
section beginning with “EDIT THESE VARIABLES” and at the end of this large
comment block, you will find these:
When defining these variables, remember that each is case sensitive. Please define
them as seen in these descriptions. In addition, a further description of these vari-
ables is included in the large comment block before them.
NPDIR_PATH (mandatory) Define the directory location of chr, banner,
onlcr, a2ps, and npscramble binaries. Usually
These binaries must be copied over from the host software medium. Please see