to monitor IP gateways, hosts, and the networks to which they
spooling Storing data in memory or in a file until it can be printed.
SQE Signal Quality Error. A test signal generated by Ethernet trans-
ceiver to test the electronics and the collision handling of the
DTE and the transceiver.
switchable Capable of printing both PCL and PostScript files. The M208
attaches a header and trailer string to a print job to switch printer
SYSLOGD System Message Logger. Collects messages sent from system
processes and routes them to a common destination.
tab expansion Expanding a tab character in the data to its required width in
spaces (xtab).
tar Command for archiving data onto a permanent storage medium.
TCP Transmission Control Protocol used for reliable end-to-end com-
munication over an IP connection.
TCP/IP Name given to the suite of protocols (including but not limited to
TCP and IP) that govern the transmission and services of a net-
TCP port A logical connection point in the software on a TCP/IP host.
TELNET Command and protocol to establish a terminal connection to a
remote host over a TCP/IP network.
TranScript Printing system developed by Adobe to facilitate printing of Post-
Script documents. Referred to as Adobe TranScript.
trailer strings Strings that follow print jobs used to control the printer and set
printing options.
transceiver Transmitter-receiver. The physical device that connects a host
interface to a local area network, such as Ethernet. Ethernet trans-
ceivers contain electronics that apply signals to the cable and
sense collisions.