AGILE 5250 ALLY Users Guide and ReferencePage 4-6
Before changing any GFID, print a Portrait FID Report and/or Landscape
FID Report using Mode 9-5 or 9-6, respectively, as described in Chapter 1
Getting Started. These reports will send the printer the number of each
GFID along with its definition in both hexadecimal and ASCII (or
EBCDIC) formats. After changing GFIDs, print the reports again to verify
that they are correct.
Changes to GFIDs are made in much the same way they are made to PFSs,
except that parameters are not permitted in GFID edit mode. Instead of
P%, use PP for portrait fonts and PL for landscape fonts.
The following example defines portrait GFID 00013 for a Xerox (XES/
UDK) printer running in ASCII mode as Titan10iso-P:
!AGILE!PP00013=1B 2B 39 4F 43 52 42 31 30 2D 50 0D 0A 1B 39;
This reads Esc + 9 Titan10iso-P (Carriage Return) (Line Feed) Esc 9.
There are several situations in which the user may have to edit the font
correspondence tables.
1. The printer may not have one or more of the fonts that will be
evoked by the font correspondence tables. If the System requests a
GFID for a font that the printer does not have, the user will either
have to eliminate the System request, change the number of the
GFID requested by the System, or the user will have to change the
table entry for that GFID. Do one of the following:
Delete the GFID. No Escape sequence will be sent to the
printer, and it will continue printing in the current font.
Replace the Escape sequence with one that will request a font
that is available to the printer.
2. The user may have a font available to the printer that is not being
evoked by the font correspondence tables. Do one of the following:
Replace an Escape sequence for a font that the printer does not
have with the Escape sequence for a font it does have.
Add a new entry into the font correspondence table that
matches the number of the GFID requested by the System.
3. The System may request a GFID that is not in the table. Do one of
the following:
Do nothing. The current font will remain active.
Add a new entry into the font correspondence table.