Programmable function strings, computer output reduction (COR) and
user-editable font correspondence tables are also standard features. The
unit is user-configurable for full SCS formatting support on virtually any
Throughput is rated at 35 logical pages per minute at 100% print density in
IBM emulation, or 55 logical pages per minute at 100% print density in
275 emulation. 100% print density is defined as 132 columns by 66 lines,
for a total of 8712 characters per page.
Diagnostics include a power-on self test of ROM and RAM, automatic
twinax address validation and conflict avoidance, an internal twinax
loopback test, and an EBCDIC hexadecimal printout of data sent to the
5250 ALLY by the midrange host. Reports generated by the 5250 ALLY
include a printer test, a configuration report, a translation table report, a
PFS report, a PFS test, font correspondence table reports, a loop test and a
twinax error log.
The 5250 ALLY is backed by a full two-year warranty. Optional
warranties and services are also available.
About This Manual
This manual covers the installation and use of the AGILE 5250 ALLY
intelligent protocol converter. AGILE makes no warranties, expressed or
implied, as to its completeness or accuracy. The information in this manual
is current as of the date of its publication, but it is subject to change by
AGILE at any time without notice. This manual is not intended to be used
for manufacturing or engineering specifications, and it is assumed that the
user understands the interrelationship between any affected systems,
machines, programs and media.
AGILE periodically updates this manual for clarity, to correct inaccuracies
and typographical errors, or to document added or changed product
features. AGILE will be pleased to improve the manual by implementing
suggestions from our customers. Please put suggestions in writing and mail
to AGILE at the address below:
Attn: Marketing
875 Alfred Nobel Drive
Hercules, CA 94547-1899