
This PFS is defined in all printer configurations except Generic. Use this
to set the printer to a known font, orientation and margins for 5250 ALLY-
generated output. This PFS is sent to the printer before the 5250 ALLY
prints any of the reports that are printed using Mode 9  Tests and
07  FF
Form Feed. This PFS is defined in all printer configurations. This should
eject the old page and start a new page. If the user would like something
else to occur at the start of a new page, the user should put it here.
(It is possible for this PFS to be sent to the printer in response to an SCS
Required New Line, Form Feed, New Line, Interchange Record Separator,
Line Feed, Set Horizontal Format, Set Vertical Format, Set Initial
Conditions, Set Presentation Page Size, Page Presentation Media, Index
Return, Absolute Vertical Print Position or Required Form Feed
08  CR
Carriage Return. This PFS is defined in all printer configurations. This
should move the print position horizontally to the left edge of the page. It
should not cause any vertical movement.
(It is possible for this PFS to be sent to the printer in response to an SCS
Required New Line, Form Feed, Carriage Return, New Line, Interchange
Record Separator, Set Horizontal Format, Index Return, Absolute
Horizontal Print Position or Required Form Feed command.) It may also
be sent to the printer by the 5250 ALLY with every Form Feed if Option
44  Carriage Return at Form Feed is active (!AGILE!44=01;), or when
underlining or overstriking requires a second pass of the printhead.
09  LF
Line Feed. This PFS is defined in all printer configurations. It should cause
one vertical Line Feed. It should not result in any horizontal movement. (It
is possible for this PFS to be sent to the printer in response to an SCS
Required New Line, New Line, Interchange Record Separator, Set
Horizontal Format, Set Vertical Format, Line Feed or Index Return