Press F to display the File menu
Press L to List files
Press 1 to go to File area 1 (AGILE software download area)
Press M to Mark the file
Type the number of the file to be downloaded
Press D to Download the file
Press D to confirm the download
Perform the local download procedure according to your
communications software instructions
8. After downloading the file, press Enter, then exit the bulletin board with
the following steps:
Press S to Stop downloading and exit the Download menu
Press Q to Quit to the Main menu
Press G to Goodbye and Logoff
Press Y to confirm the Logoff
Mode F Code Load
AGILE periodically makes improvements to the operating software for its
products, either to provide more functionality or to correct problems with
earlier versions. These software upgrades are available from AGILE at no
charge during the warranty period. All software upgrades are facilitated by
downloading revised code to the 5250 ALLY flash EEPROM memory.
Code revisions can be obtained via the AGILE BBS (see above), or by
contacting AGILE Technical Support for the shipment of a diskette with
the new code.
If downloaded from the AGILE BBS, the new code will be contained in a
self-extracting archive named 52alMMDD.exe, with MMDD representing
month-day, e.g., the code released on September 1st would be called
52al0901.exe. To extract the files contained in the self-extracting archive,
simply type the name of the file at the PCs prompt, e.g., 52al0901.
The name of the code file will have the extension .agl, for instance,
ally5250.agl. The archive contains other files besides the new code. Also
included are boot.agl, codeload.exe, gocode.exe, param.exe and
readme.txt. These files will be discussed later in this chapter.
To load the new code to the 5250 ALLYs flash memory, the unit must be
placed in Mode F. To do so, power off the 5250 ALLY. Then, while
pressing and holding down the Mode button on the units front panel,
power up the 5250 ALLY. The LED will display an F.