
The AGILE 5250 ALLY provides extensive special support for Xerox
printers in XDPM and XPPM modes. XDPM mode is also referred to as
XES mode or UDK mode.
XES mode is the native Xerox print mode for Xerox 2700, 3700, 4030,
4045 and 4213 printers. The XDPM mode option on the 4235 also
provides the XES command set.
XPPM mode is available on Xerox centralized printers such as the 4050,
4090, 4850, etc. XPPM mode is also available on the 4235.
This appendix describes the use of XDPM/XES mode commands to
control the formatting of Xerox printers attached through the 5250 ALLY
to an IBM AS/400 or System 34, 36 and 38. It also describes how to use
the 5250 ALLY to interface twinax systems to the 4235 in XPPM mode.
The first part of this appendix describes the issues involved in using a
Xerox printers native command set to control formatting. The last part of
this appendix is a reference of the 5250 ALLYs options that are used to
resolve these issues.
System-Based Formatting
Normally the 5250 ALLY controls the formatting of documents received
from the IBM host via the SCS (SNA Character String) commands
embedded in the document by the host System.
The subset of the SCS command set that the System uses is dependent
upon the IBM printer that the 5250 ALLY has been configured to emulate.
5256, 5224/5225, 4214, 5219 and 3812 emulations provide successively
more control over document formatting.
The 5250 ALLY achieves its emulation of IBM printers by translating the
SCS codes into sequences of PFSs (Programmable Function Strings).
When the user loads a printer driver for a Xerox printer, these PFSs are
defined with XES commands that the Xerox printer understands. This
allows documents sent from the host System to be formatted as they would
be on an IBM printer.