Output Data transferred from a computers
internal storage to an output device.
Output device A unit that takes data output from a
computer and presents it in the form
desired by the user.
Overstrike A DisplayWrite/400 function in which
two characters may be printed in the
same presentation position.
Page control The method by which page boundaries
(margins) are determined. Page control
may be done either by the host
application or by the 5250 ALLY.
Parallel interface 8 bits of a byte are transmitted
simultaneously through 8 parallel wires.
PFS Programmable function string.
Plotter An output unit that graphs data by
automatically controlled pens.
POR Power on reset.
Power on reset The method by which a peripheral
device announces to the host that it is
Presentation line The number of the line that is the
current presentation position.
Presentation position The line and column number of the
current position on the page.
Presentation surface Represents a single page of printed
Print screen A PC keyboard command that will print
the text currently displayed on the
Printer An output device that produces hard
copy output.
Programmable function string An instruction string used by the 5250
ALLY to activate printer features.