
Find the largest dimension of the paper in the drawer. For example, if the
paper in the drawer is 8 1/2 X 11 inches, select 11 inches. If the size of the
page is not one of the sizes listed here, choose the next smallest size. If the
paper is smaller than all of the choices, choose the smallest available size.
To program these options:
!AGILE!5501=00; Paper 1 length is 8.5 inches
!AGILE!5501=01; Paper 1 length is 11 inches (default)
!AGILE!5501=02; Paper 1 length is 14 inches
!AGILE!5501=03; Paper 1 length is 17 inches
!AGILE!5601=00; Paper 2 length is 8.5 inches
!AGILE!5601=01; Paper 2 length is 11 inches (default)
!AGILE!5601=02; Paper 2 length is 14 inches
!AGILE!5601=03; Paper 2 length is 17 inches
!AGILE!5701=00; Paper 3 length is 8.5 inches
!AGILE!5701=01; Paper 3 length is 11 inches (default)
!AGILE!5701=02; Paper 3 length is 14 inches
!AGILE!5701=03; Paper 3 length is 17 inches
!AGILE!5801=00; Envelope length is 8.5 inches
!AGILE!5801=01; Envelope length is 11 inches (default)
!AGILE!5801=02; Envelope length is 14 inches
!AGILE!5801=03; Envelope length is 17 inches
Portrait indicates that the paper height is greater than the paper width.
Landscape indicates that the paper width is greater than the paper height.
COR, or computer output reduction, is the default setting for each drawer.
If the 5250 ALLY is driving the printer in COR mode, the printer will be
put into landscape mode using PFS 0B. The line spacing will be reduced to
70% (depending upon the setting of Option 4E) of the System-requested
line spacing, allowing an 11-inch page depth to fit into 8.5 inches. If using
COR mode, the definitions of PFSs 20, 21 and 22 should perform the
following functions, respectively: PFS 20 should select a landscape font
greater than or (preferably) equal to 13 pitch; PFS21 should select a
landscape font greater than or equal to 15 pitch; and PFS 22 should select a
landscape font greater than or equal to 20 pitch.
To program these options: