AGILE 5250 ALLY Users Guide and ReferencePage 2-18
When determining the appropriate orientation, the System tells the 5250
ALLY which drawer to use, and the 5250 ALLY assumes that the PFS for
that drawer has been set correctly.
These choices are used to determine page orientation:
Automatic: If there is no System Set Text Orientation command for page
orientation (or if the System specifies the default orientation), and if the
user chooses !AGILE!54=00;, the 5250 ALLY will orient the page
automatically using the following procedure: The 5250 ALLY will deduce
the appropriate page size based upon the information the System provides
about the number of lines, the lines per inch, the number of characters per
line and font CPI. It will then check the height and width settings on the
selected drawer in options 5500 and 5501, 5600 and 5601, 5700 and 5701,
or 5800 and 5801 (Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper3 or Envelope, respectively) to
check if the size is valid. Finally, it checks the page size to see which
dimension is larger and orients the page accordingly. (It checks to see if it
is possible to fit all of the data on the page, determines which orientation is
best, and then executes the orientation command.) If the data will not fit on
the page using this method, the 5250 ALLY uses the settings for the
drawer. (See Drawer below.)
Drawer: If there is no System command for page orientation (or if the
System specifies the default orientation), and if the user chooses
!AGILE!54=01;, the page orientation will be determined by the rotation
setting (portrait, landscape or COR) that has been indicated for the drawer
selection in options 5502, 5602, 5702, and 5802 (Paper1, Paper 2, Paper3
or Envelope, respectively).
Portrait: The 5250 ALLY will force a portrait orientation regardless of any
System request.
Landscape: The 5250 ALLY will force a landscape orientation regardless
of any System request.
COR: The 5250 ALLY will use Computer Output Reduction regardless of
any System request.
To program this option:
!AGILE!54=00; Use automatic page orientation
!AGILE!54=01; Use drawer rotation setting for orientation
!AGILE!54=02; Force portrait orientation (default)
!AGILE!54=03; Force landscape orientation
!AGILE!54=04; Force Computer Output Reduction
The 5250 ALLY orientation selection algorithm is illustrated on the
following page: