AGILE 5250 ALLY Users Guide and ReferencePage G-2
Buffer A block of internal memory that stores
information until it is ready to be used.
Byte A unit of information consisting of
eight binary bits. Character codes are
often represented in bytes.
Carriage Return A control character that (unless set to be
interpreted as a line end) causes the
printer to begin printing at the left
margin of the current line.
Centronics The printer manufacturer that produced
the parallel interface that is now the
industry standard. Also used to refer to
the interface itself.
CNT Count. The number of bytes in a
command string.
Column The vertical members of one line of an
Computer Output Reduction A feature that reduces and reorients
SYSOUT output intended for 13.2"x11"
paper so that it will fit on letter-size
paper (8.5"x11").
Configuration To assemble a collection of hardware
and software into a system and to adjust
each of the parts so they all work
Control code A byte of information representing a
print instruction (e.g., a tab).
Control Unit The portion of the CPU that directs the
step-by-step operation of the entire
computing system.
COR Computer Output Reduction.
Count byte A byte that indicates the number of
bytes to follow in an escape sequence.
CPI Characters per inch. Pitch.
CR Carriage return.
CR/LF Carriage return/line feed.
CRT Cathode ray tube. A video display