Command: Form Feed (FF)
Format: 0C
Printers: 3812, 4214, 5219, 5224, 5225, 5256
Action: Moves the current print position to the top line of the
next logical page. The print position is restored to the
current indent level, or to the left margin if there is no
Most IBM host system print spoolers use the Form Feed
character to delimit and count pages. For this reason,
only Form Feed should be used to move to a new page.
Vertical movement commands other than Form Feed
should not be used to move to a new page.
IBMEMUL: PFS 7 FF is sent to the printer. Normally this PFS
sends a Form Feed character to the printer.
Support for source paper drawer selection on some target
printers requires that PFS 7 FF be empty. See Page
Presentation Media (PPM) for more information.
275EMUL: FF is sent to printer.
Command: Carriage Return (CR)
Format: 0D
Printers: 3812, 4214, 5219, 5224, 5225, 5256
Action: Returns the current print position to the first position on
the current line.
On the 3812 and 5219, the current print position is
returned to the current indent level as set by Indent Tab
(IT) and/or Set Indent Level (SIL). If there is no indent
level set, the current print position is returned to the left
IBMEMUL: Same as the 3812 and 5219.
275EMUL: CR is sent to printer.