
AGILE 5250 ALLY User๎‚’s Guide and ReferencePage 2-12
47-49 ๎‚— Resolution
The horizontal resolution option is used only for performing the horizontal
offset as defined in Option 4A. Choose the smallest size the printer is
capable of accepting.
The vertical resolution option is used for performing the vertical offset as
defined in Option 4B. It is also used by the 5250 ALLY to calculate the
parameter value to insert into PFS 0D ๎‚— VERMOVE. Choose the smallest
unit size that the printer is capable of accepting.
The maximum relative vertical movement parameter is used to specify the
maximum parameter value allowed for the vertical movement PFS. Unless
this value is set to 05 (none), large relative vertical movements will be
broken up into several smaller movements. This option is used only if the
vertical movement parameter is set to relative (!AGILE! 46=01;).
To program these options:
!AGILE!47=01; 60 dots per inch horizontal resolution
!AGILE!47=02; 72 dots per inch horizontal resolution
!AGILE!47=03; 120 dots per inch horizontal resolution
!AGILE!47=04; 144 dots per inch horizontal resolution
!AGILE!47=05; 180 dots per inch horizontal resolution (default)
!AGILE!47=06; 216 dots per inch horizontal resolution
!AGILE!47=07; 240 dots per inch horizontal resolution
!AGILE!47=08; 288 dots per inch horizontal resolution
!AGILE!47=09; 300 dots per inch horizontal resolution
!AGILE!47=0A; 320 dots per inch horizontal resolution
!AGILE!47=0B; 360 dots per inch horizontal resolution
!AGILE!47=0C; 720 dots per inch horizontal resolution
!AGILE!48=00; 6 lines per inch vertical resolution (default)
!AGILE!48=01; 60 dots per inch vertical resolution
!AGILE!48=02; 72 dots per inch vertical resolution
!AGILE!48=03; 120 dots per inch vertical resolution
!AGILE!48=04; 144 dots per inch vertical resolution
!AGILE!48=05; 180 dots per inch vertical resolution
!AGILE!48=06; 216 dots per inch vertical resolution
!AGILE!48=07; 240 dots per inch vertical resolution
!AGILE!48=08; 288 dots per inch vertical resolution
!AGILE!48=09; 300 dots per inch vertical resolution
!AGILE!48=0A; 320 dots per inch vertical resolution
!AGILE!48=0B; 360 dots per inch vertical resolution
!AGILE!48=0C; 720 dots per inch vertical resolution