
In 1978 IBM and the word compatible were rarely found together, but
IBMs mainframe customers wanted a less expensive, more flexible
printing solution than IBM offered them. They wanted value, performance
and features that only ASCII printers could provide. They wanted freedom
of choice.
This market need prompted Robert Torrey, then Director of Engineering
for AGILE, to develop a bridge between popular ASCII printers and the
IBM 3270 coax protocol that was a barrier to using ASCII printers in an
IBM environment. Robert Torrey is now president of AGILE, and his
coax protocol converter was so successful that more than 40 companies
tried to copy it.
The industry has undergone enormous changes, and so has AGILE. As the
age of the mainframe fades, AGILEs 6287 ULTRA coax printer interface
is still known industry wide as the finest available. The recognized leader
in IBM and PCM mainframe and midrange connectivity, AGILE
continually seeks new ways to offer its customers options that broaden
their choices and provide solutions to their printing problems.
Over 50,000 AGILE interfaces have been installed worldwide. By working
closely with industry leaders including Xerox, Lexmark, Hewlett-Packard
and Novell, AGILE makes certain that its products will continue to provide
full compatibility, remain attractively priced and stay on the leading edge
of market developments.
AGILEs staff of experienced hardware, software and technical support
engineers ensure that we will remain in the forefront of technology without
sacrificing reliability. The custom solution is one of our strengths, and we
have a variety of platforms from which to fulfill the special needs of our
customers. If we cannot provide the connectivity you require, we will
gladly refer you to one of our strategic business partners who can.
If you read what AGILEs customers have to say, you will see words like
the performance was flawless and the best support we have seen. You
see, customer satisfaction is the only true measure of our success. We
understand that to keep pace with the rapidly changing environment, we
must do more than simply provide products. That is why we remain
uncompromising about some very important things: Quality, Performance,
Value and Service.