To change the timeout period, press the MODE button on the 5250 ALLY
front panel until the LED reads 7. After two seconds, the LED will
display an underscore (_). Then press the MODE button until the LED
displays the number of the appropriate timeout period (0-6). After two
seconds, the timeout period will be changed and the unit will return to
Normal Operating Mode.
8 Selecting a Translation Table
If the user would like to use translation tables other than the default
selections that were loaded with the output port configuration, the final
step is to select a translation table for each type of data handled by the
5250 ALLY. Making a change to the translation table selection is usually
required only if the users printer is not included among the supported
output port configurations, or if the user has selected Xerox 275 emulation
mode rather than IBM emulation mode.
Detailed information on translation tables can be found in Chapter 3
Translation Tables. AGILE recommends reading Chapter 3 before making
any changes to default translation tables. The description provided here is
included only because of the convenience of making this selection from
the 5250 ALLY front panel.
Data Type
The 5250 ALLY handles four different data types, listed below with their
access numbers:
0. Twinax host data
3. Alternate host data
6. 5250 ALLY data
7. Xerox font downloads
Translation Tables
The 5250 ALLY has sixteen translation tables from which the user may
choose. They are listed here along with their access number or letter:
0. ASCII to ASCII (default for 5250 ALLY & alternate host)
1. EBCDIC to ASCII (default for twinax translation)