3Com 6000 Frozen Dessert Maker User Manual

Disconnecting an Active telnet or rlogin Session
Modifications to the telnet and rlogin features of the CoreBuilder 6000
system allow you to preempt users by forcing a disconnection. This
administrative feature requires you to use the system Administer-level
password at the Administration Console.
The rlogin usage is identical to the telnet usage. Substitute rlogin wherever
you see telnet.
Implementation. When you attempt to use the telnet command to enter
a system that is being used by another telnet connection, the system
Sorry, this system is engaged by another telnet session.
Host IP address: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Logout the other telnet session? (Y/N) y
Enter Password: administer-level-password
The first telnet session is disconnected and the system displays:
LOGGING OUT the other telnet session.
You can then connect in the usual manner.
If you enter an incorrect password, the system displays:
Incorrect password. Disconnecting.
The system automatically disconnects after it receives three incorrect
attempts at the administer-level password.
If you respond
n to the request to disconnect, your session disconnects
and the original connection remains established. The system displays:
CAUTION: When you preempt a telnet or rlogin session in this manner, the
current session user receives no notice that the session will be disconnected.
If you enter
y at the Logout the other telnet session? prompt and
it is not accepted, it is probably because of the telnet configuration on the
UNIX host. To force the system to accept your response to the prompt,
follow these steps:
1 Escape to the telnet session by pressing