40 Avaya™ ATM WAN Survivable Processor Manager Installation and Configuration
Failed to retrieve ATM
PNC board location from
<WSP> <exception
Failed to run atmwsp
command on <system>
<exception description>.
Failed to run busyout
atm pnc command on
<WSP> <exception
Failed to run remove
atm pnc command on
<WSP> <exception
Failed to run reset
system 3 command on
<server> <exception
Failed to run save
translation command on
<server> <exception
Failed to set system
parameters for <WSP>
<exception description>
<5> All of these are errors indicate that ASP Manager
was unable to issue a command on the listed
server or WSP. Information in the exception
description may give a clue. Possible reasons
• Someone upgraded the MultiVantage
software but didn’t upgrade ASP Manager, or
vice versa (post Release 9)
• There are problems with physical
• Someone entered the wrong connection
information in ASP Manager or on the server
or WSP (IP Address, Port, Subnet Mask,
Gateway, login ID, password, or ASG Secret
• Someone changed the connection
information in ASP Manager but not on the
server or WSP, or vice versa.
• There are problems with the permissions
assigned to the ASP Manager login ID(s) that
you created on the given server or WSP.
You can either troubleshoot the problem yourself
using the information provided in the exception
description, or contact Technical Support and give
the exception description to them.
File <translations file
name> does not exist or
is un-writable.See <1>
See <1>.
No network <network
file path> or modem
<file path + system>
connection file(s) exist.
<6> ASP Manager creates the network connection file
when you install ASP Manager. Users cannot
configure or modify this file. You should never
receive this message. If you do, the recommended
process is to reinstall the ASP Manager server
software. If that doesn’t work, call Technical
Support and give them the exception description.
The connection
definition file <definition
file> does not exist.
<7> ASP Manager creates the connection definition
file when you install ASP Manager. Users cannot
configure or modify this file. You should never
receive this message. If you do, the recommended
process is to reinstall the ASP Manager server
software. If that doesn’t work, call Technical
Message Possible Causes and Solutions