
Standard Control
Oven Startup
1. Be sure the GAS SHUTOFF SWITCH (13) is in
the on position.
2. Turn the POWER SWITCH (1) to the on posi -
tion. The HEAT LED (3) lights and the oven
preheats to the last used set temperature.
Programming a Bake Cycle
1. Press the TEMP KEY (7). Turn the DIAL (6) t o
the desired bake temperature.
2. Press the TIME KEY (8). Turn the DIAL (6) to
the desired bake time.
3. If steam is desired, press the STEAM KEY (9).
Turn the DIAL (6) to the desired steam time.
Steam may be programmed for the beginning
4. Ifyouwishtodelaytherotationoftheconvec-
tion fan at the beginning of the bake cycle,
press the FAN DELAY (10) key. Turn the DIAL
(6) to the desired fan delay time.
5. Press the START/STOP KEY (12) to begin the
bake cycle. The oven rack rotates.
1. To view the remaining bak e time, press the
2. To view the a ctual oven temperature, press
the TEMP KEY (7).
3. Toinject up to two minutes of steam during the
bake cycle, press the STEAM KEY (9).
4. To vent moisture from the oven cavity, press
the VENT KEY (11). This manually opens the
oven vent u ntil the key is pressed again to
close it.
5. To pause a bake cycle at any point, press the
START/STOP KEY (12). The cycle will pause
until the key is pressed again.
1. Attheendofthebakecycle,analarmsounds,
the display reads DONE a nd the rack contin-
ues to rotate until the door is opened. Press
the START/STOP KEY (12) to silence the
2. Open the door to remove the product.
Oven Shutdown
1. Turn the P OWER SWITCH (1) to the off posi-