
Models QS12 & QS24 Important: To the Operator
Fault Screen
If the grill experiences a system failure, a fault
message will appear on the display, and a tone will
An example of the FAULT SCREEN is illustrated in the
previous figure. The screen appears when the
controller has detected a fault in the system. The code
letters “FLT” is an abbreviation for “fault”. The next set
of code letters indicate the type of fault and the zone
affected. Following is a list of possible codes that may
appear on the screen:
HTUF High Temperature Upper Front zone exceeded
HTUM High Temperature U pper Mid zone exceeded
HTUR High Temperature Upper Rear zone exceeded
HTLF High Tem perature Lower Front zone exceeded
HTLM High Temperature Lower Mid z one exceeded
HTLR High Temperature Lower Rear zone exceeded
TCUF Upper Front thermocouple fault
TCUM Upper Mid thermocouple fault
TCUR Upper Rear thermocouple fault
TCLF Lower Front thermocouple fault
TCLM Lower Mid thermocouple fault
TCLR Lower Rear thermocouple fault
The user must press the MENU and TEMP keys to
acknowledge the fault. The fault description and item
name will appear alternately on the display. The zone
that has the fault will shut down while the rest of the grill
will be operational. (Refer to the Fault Screen
information in the Service Manual, Controls and
Systems Section.)
Maintenance Menu
The Maintenance Menu provides five screens to allow
managers and service technicians to monitor grill
To enter the Maintenance Menu while any item is
displayed, press and hold the MENU key for
approximately 5 seconds and release. The following
screen will appear on the d isplay.
CODE 0000
Press TIME until the first digit is “5”.
Example: CODE 5000.
Press TEMP until the next digit is “3”.
Example: CODE 5300.
Press the UP Arrow until the next d igit is “7”.
Example: CODE 5370.
Press the DOWN Arrow until the last digit is “6”.
Example: CODE 5376.
Press the MENU key to accept the access code and
the following screen will appear:
Note: If an incorrect code is entered, the display will
return to the cook screens.
Step 1
Press the MENU key to enter the calibrate mode and
the following message will appear on the screen.
There are three lower heating elements in each cook
zone and three heating elements in the upper cook
surface (if applicable). The calibrating screens allow
calibration of each independent heating element.
Calibrating verifies proper temperatures of heating