11. Click OK. There may be a Security Warning if the certificate has issues. Click Accept, if the source is
trusted. You have the option to Reject or View Certificate details. You have the option to tick Do
not notify when rest of the files are not signed. check box to avoid this scenario for multiple DUPs.
The Adding Components to Repository page displays a summary of the DUP files imported and the
bundles to which the DUP files added.
NOTE: For Windows DUP, the signature is embedded into the same file. If it is a Linux DUP,
make sure that the relevant DUP signature file <DUP file name>.sign is located in the same
folder as the DUP file. Else, the import process will not be successfully completed.
12. Click Close.
Importing Non- Dell Update Package (Non DUPs)
To import non- DUP components:
1. Under the My Repositories tab, select the repository to which you want to add the component and
click Open.
The Non- DUPs files must first be downloaded and saved to a local or network drive location.
2. Click the Components tab, and then click Import.
The Import new DUP files window is displayed.
3. Under Selected DUP Files, click Browse.
The Select DUP File to Add window is displayed.
4. In the Select DUP File to Add window, select the component(s) that you want to add, and then click
You can browse and search for any non-DUP file available on the system.
The Import new DUP files window is displayed when Open is selected.
5. In the Import new DUP files window, select the component(s) you want to add.
NOTE: Select the component(s) you want to remove from the existing list, and then click
6. Select any of the following options.
– Add to repository only
– Add to repository and all the following bundles:
If you are not selecting any bundle, all the bundles will be displayed under the list. You can select
the desired bundles from the list.
7. Click OK or click Cancel to exit without making any changes. A Security Warning appears do you
want to accept this file?
if the certificate has issued. You have the option to Accept, Reject, or View
After you Accept the certificate, Please wait... dialog box appears while adding the non-DUP files.
8. The Import non-DUP files window displays the details of the non-DUP file.
The File Name and Add Description field provide further details of the non-DUP file.
NOTE: The description can be edited.
9. Click OK.
The Adding Components to Repository window displays a summary of the non-DUP files imported
and the bundles the non-DUP files that have been added to.
10. Click Close.