Dimensions and Weight
Length 49 cm (19.3 in)
Width 38 cm (15.0 in)
Height 19 cm (7.5 in)
Weight 9.1 kg (20 lbs)
Dispense Range
50 – 999 µL
Dispense Precision
5% CV (with 300 µL distilled water)
Residual Aspirate Volumes
< 1 µL for U and V bottom plates
< 5 µL for flat bottom plates
Washing Time Typical 5 cycle wash: 5 min 30 sec
Power < 100 W
Display 2 by 20 character back lit LCD
Keypad 21 key tactile membrane
Output Display, Printer, RS232
Operating Range 15° C to 30° C
15% to 85% relative humidity (non-condensing)
2000m altitude
Computer Interface
Port Serial RS-232 port (Service Access)
Baud Rate 19200. Character format
Character Format 7 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
Power Requirements
Voltage Power Frequency
Main Unit 100 - 240 V 200 VA 50/60 Hz
Line Voltage Variation
Line Frequency Variation
3 Hz
Opsys MW™ User’s Guide 9