Dynex 91000051 Dishwasher User Manual

Chapter 5 Washing a Plate
Once the parameters for at least one plate type and one wash protocol have
been set, the system can be used to wash a plate.
The only preparation that is required is to check the fluid levels in the Wash
Container and the Waste Container. Service the containers if necessary.
To empty the waste container:
1. Unscrew the cap of the Waste Container. Lay the cap and level
sensor assembly on a paper towel.
2. Discard the waste in accordance with local regulations.
3. Rinse the waste container with deionized water. Discard the rinse
Note: If desired, the waste container can be
disinfected with a 10% (v/v) solution of
household bleach in water.
4. Place the level sensor and tube back into the Waste Container
and screw the cap on.
Opsys MW™ User’s Guide 63