
17. With the desired selection displayed, press the (1
yes) button (see Figure 17).
Figure 17
The computer displays fryer type on the left and Elec on the right.
18. Use the 3and 4buttons (see Figure 18) to toggle
between elec and gas.
19. With the desired selection displayed, press the (1
yes) button (see Figure 19).
Figure 18 Figure 19
The computer displays VAT type on the left and SPLIT on the right.
20. Use the 3and 4buttons (see Figure 20) to toggle
between split and full.
21. With the desired selection displayed, press the (1
yes) button (see Figure 21).
Figure 20 Figure 21
The computer displays OIl SYSTEM on the left and JIB on the right.
22. Use the 3and 4buttons (see Figure 22) to toggle
between jib and bulk.
Figure 22
NOTE: A JIB system uses a disposable JIB (Jug in a Box). A BULK system has large storage oil
tanks that are connected to the fryer that fills a reservoir.
23. With the desired selection displayed, press the (1
yes) button (see Figure 23).
Figure 23
The computer displays TEMPERATURE on the left and F on the right.
24. Use the 3and 4buttons (see Figure 24) to toggle
between F and C temperature scales.
NOTE: F is used for Fahrenheit, C is used for Celsius.
Figure 24
25. With the desired selection displayed, press the (1
yes) button (see Figure 25).
Figure 25
The computer displays fryer setup changing to off.