1. Press and hold the filter button for the vat to be refilled for three seconds
(see Figure 90).
Figure 90
Computer displays filter menu for three seconds, changing to Auto Filter.
2. Use the t and ubuttons to scroll to fill pot from bulk (see
Figure 91).
Figure 91
3. With fill pot from bulk displayed, press the (1 yes)
button to continue (see Figure 92).
Figure 92
Computer displays fill pot from bulk, alternating with yes no.
4. Press the (yes) button to continue (see Figure 93).
Figure 93
The system verifies the drain is closed. The bulk oil inlet valve opens and the bulk pump is
energized. The bulk oil refill pump uses a momentary switch. It only pumps as long as the switch is
Computer displays fill pot from bulk.
5. Press and hold the (yes) button (see Figure 94). To refill using the
bulk oil refill. When the vat is filled to the lower fill line, release the
(1 yes) button.
6. Press the (2) button to exit (see Figure 95).
Figure 94
Figure 95
The computer displays off.
7. Press the soft power button to begin heating the oil (see Figure 96).
Figure 96
If the oil temperature is below setpoint, the computer displays low temp.
The system then checks the oil level, topping off if necessary.
When the fryer reaches setpoint and the computer display changes to the product or dashed lines, the
fryer is ready for use.