GE JT980 Oven User Manual

Using the TrivectionTM oven.
Microwave Assisted
b_ {he mFiyect]o]_ ovem_, a microwave is
used to assist cookim_g.
The combim_don of micr_t_ave,
convecdon fire amid heating elements is
m_]ql_e fbr each %od category.
NOTE:Themicrowavewill cycleenandoff wb#e
cookingtobestdistdbuteenergyto thefood
Themicrowaveturnsoff andthecoo&-time
stopscountingdown whentheovendoor
NOTE: Theconvectionfan may cycb en and off
and cbangedirection bd}//ecooking tobest
distT/TJutehot air in the oven.Tbeconvectionfan
shutsoff when d_eeven dooris opene_
Auto Recipe TM Conversion
You cm_ I_se yore" fi_vorite recipes im_the
Trivection o_ em
When speedcooking, enter the
tmd]tioi_a] cookim_g teilipen_ture mid
the maximum recipe/package cook time.
Wbem_speedcookim_g, the Auto Recipe '_'
coiwe_gi(m feature mltomadcallv com'erts
tm(Jithma] cook time h_to the appropriate
speedcookim_g time_ The converted time
wi]] display aiter you staKr die o_ em This
rime _rd]] be I_t) to 5 times tipster d_m_
tmditiomm] bakim_g based om_%od pipe.
Cookware for Speedcooking . .
Yol_ cm_ i_se cookware that is oven-sa{_.
HeaH'esistm_t paper amid plastic
c(mtah/elN mid bakeware that are
recommended fbr me im_t_ditiona]
bakim_g cm] also be _sed {or speed balding.
Howe\ el; they sho_id _]ot be reed at
tempemtm'es higher t]]m_ the
temperature recommended by the
bakeware ma_? Ilfi_ctlll'eE
If vo{_ are cooki_g wkh severn] }xms,
leave space between diem. Arci_g is tile
microwave term for sparks i_ die oven.
To amid arch_g, be sure there is at least
] i_]ch of space between metal surfi_ces--
pm_s, wall of cavit 5 ahm_imm_ fbil.
Do _mt completely smTom]d fi)od with
metal m_(;l/or foil _hile speedcookh]g--
V{)_/_rd]] _Ot have a dine savi_gs (tot
exam [)]e, wra 11))i_g, [_otato with fbi], usi_g
met;t] roasd_g pm_ *Arith lid).
When mi_g a metal pm_, do _ot co',er it
with a metal lid or {hi] (a glass lid or
parchment paper may be me(I).
Howe', e_; {bi] may be used to shield {ood
to preve]_t o_vrbrowni_g or o_ercooking
(i.e. p]aci_g small strips of {i)i] on tips of
wi_gs a_d legs of po_dtr)). Nso, tbil
c(}_ers may be tented {Bet fi)o(] (i.e.,
lalge {}'oze]l casseroles) toward the e]ld
of their cook time to prevent
overbroxH_h_ or o\ ercooki_
AND PAPERiN THEOVEN i_ speedcook
modes, Fbr example, some {_'ozen o1"
deli breads are baked a_]d sold i_ these
w_:q>pers. Rein <_\e the J_b{:<;l{i'om
the w_:q:)per :rod speed bake on a flat
metal pmL
When speedcooki_g with metal pans,
heav_ ahm_ilmm i)al_s are recommended
\'\lien speed baldn_g with stoneware or
CO(}killg StoIIes, l'et}F tO the []/i/l/llfi_ctul'el" S
(}_ I?er's real? Ila] f{ir proper iise all d
mai_]te_an_ce. For best rest_lts, p_>heat
your flat coold_g stones. [I the
mam_lhctm'er does _ot recommend
preheati_g the coo]d_g stones, do _ot
me them in Speedc(_okh]g modes. DO not
usehearth inserts while speedcooking.
[Ise pm_s with 1o_ skies whene\ er
possible. A shallow pa_ allo_s air
to circulate arom_d the %od more
Dark or matte fimsh bakeware will
produce darker bro_ni_g {m {hod.
When yo_ are speed brtd]i_g, it is
importm_t that you use the broiler pa_
_,%rl[hglf'](][ ti}l"best res_dts. The pan is
reed to catch grease spills an_d the g]Jd
is reed to pre_ ent grease spatters.