The defrost feature allows you to thaw food for a set amount of time.
Cookware/Tips for Defrosting
For best results, relnove fi)od fl'om
packaging and place onbroil pan and grid,
If food is left in packaging, slit, pierce or
vent to prevent heat buildup,
Place fi)od in the oxen according to the
Defrosting Guide.
Yim can use all cookware/containei_ that
are oven safe or microwave-safe. Arcing is
the microwave teml for sparks in the
oven, Be sure there is at least 1 inch ot
space between metal surtilces--pans, wall
of ca\'i_:, ahuninun/foil--to I)revent
ardng. Dishes with metallic trim should not
be usedas arcing may occur.Remove metal
twist ties frompaper orplastic bags before
placing them in the oven.
Do not coml)letel ) surround fi)od with
metal and/or fi)il.
S S ) (
Pla _tic _t(rage contmnei_ should be
uncoxered befiwe defrosting.
Foods that spoil easily should not be
allowed to sit ()tit lot more than one hour
alter defrosting. ]_a)om temperature
i)ronlotes the gro_h of hamlflll bacteria.
Use caution when removing metal pans
and stoneware after defl'osting. They may
becoille very _V_lI]/l, and VOl.i Ill}IV need to
use a l)otholdeI:
For nlore even defrosting, turn fl_od
OV(_I_ Sel)[lI'ilte lind i'e[iYi'ilnge when
l)ronq)ted. Be sure large meats are
completely deti'osted betore cooking.
See the Defrosting Guido tot additional
_._]len (lefi'oste(1, fiIod should be cool but
softened in all areas. If still slightly icy,
return to the ()veil very briefly, or let it
stand a few minutes.
Hew to Set the Oven for Oefrost
[] [']ace fi_od im_ovem
[] Select FgaroREfrom mai,_mere,.
[] Select OEFROST.
] Enter the deh'ost time h_ ]]om's
am_d/or mim_I_tes. Reterel_ ce th e
[] Select STARE
NOTE:Foodmaybecheckedat anyz_Yne
convectionfanwill turnoffandthedefrost
timecountdownwill stopwhile#_edoor
isopen.Theywill resumewhenthedoor
[] C]leckfi)odamldtm'ml overwhe_l
prompted. _(1(1 more time if"
desi red.
AMr thedefrosttimehasende4#_eoven
TIME,"Add additionaltimebyselecting
PressCLEAR/OFFpadif foodhasflTushed