GE JT980 Oven User Manual

The GE Profile oven with Trivection TMtechnology is a microwave=assist wail oven desigrled to cook food up to five
times faster than a traditional oven. This oven gives the user the flexibility to cook food b traditional cookirlg modes
(bake or broil), convection modes (convection bake and convection roast) or fa speedcook modes (speed bake and
speed broil). This oven features easy=to=use controls that wil! guide you through oven operations.
gakim_g is cooldm_g ',vkh heated ai_: The
!_pper am_d h_,',_er elem em_ts cycle back am_d
forth to heat die air amid mah_tah_
tempe_m_re, I[]sed {_)r t_ditio]_a] bakim_g
a_d roasth_g. Best for delicate items.
Heat is provk]ed by fl_e upper e]emem
to broil veto" food. May be used with the
(wen (](:,(:,I" open or closed.
Convection Bake--Multi and Single Rack
Heat is provided b)' the element in the
back of the oven, along with the upper
and lower elements. The air is circulated
with a reve_ing tim system. The tim will
change directions to provide optimal
evenness and browning. The Multi Rack
option is ideal fiw evenly baking t0ods
when using more than one rack. The
I Rack option, used fl)r one rack ot fi)od,
cooks fi)od tipster than BAKEmode.
Convection Roast
Heat is pr_Mded by the upper element
and drculated with the reversing tim
system. The tim will change directions to
provide optimal evenness and browning.
Good tor roasting large render cuts of
meat or poult_]; tmco',ered. Roasts fi)ods
tip to 25% tilstei'.
Speed Bake
Heat is provided by the three elements
and microwave. The exact combination
of elements is automatically detemfined
b)' the fi)od catego_ T selected. Mr is
circulated with the reversing tim s)stem
described above. Ideal forbaking and
roasting foodsup to five times faster.
Speed Broil
Heat is provided by the upper element
and microwave. AJr is circulated with the
reversing tim s\:stem described above.
Oven door must be closed. Ideal for
broiling foods to medium to weft done
doneness levels two times faster than
traditional broil