GE JT980 Oven User Manual

www, GEApp#ances.cem
The oven door must be closed and all controls must be set correctly for the cycle to work properly.
How to Belay the Start of Cleaning
[] Select FEATURES.
[] Select SELFCLEAN Selec_ upper or
lower ove]_ o]_ dol_ble o','e]_ v_odels.
Select the desired self cleam
A B-hem" self_cleaN_ time is
recommended when cleaN_h_g small,
contaim_ed spills. A se]f-c]em_ time of
4 ]lores or longer is recommended
for a dirder oven.
LO (3 hrs) wi]] self cleaN) d)e oven
for 3 hems.
STO (4 his) _G]]serf c]eml dle o; ell
%r 4 hol_rs.
AOJUSTTIMEa]Io_s ovem] to be set
%r ai_v time betweem_ 3 am_(;[5 hem's.
h)pl_t the c]em) time (to m)eares/5
mhm/es) i_sim_gthe mm_ber pads
m_d select ENTER.
The door locks automatically whem_ vol*
select STARK The ovem_ _rH]] remah_
locked. The display _G]] show the start
6me. Once the se]f-c]em_ cycle starts, it
wi]] m_t be possible to open t]_e ovem_
Whem_ _ goes on. yol, wi]] be able to
opem_ the doolL
dehy clean b both ovens. However, the second
oven set will automaticallydelaytile start of
cleaning until the end of the first oven is"clean
[] [Jsim_g the mm_ber pads, e]_ter the
tim e of (]!ax }ou wa _ t th e c]ea _ c?c]e
to start.
[] Select ENTER.
[] Select STARE
After a Clean Cycle
You may notice some white ash in the
oven. _]pe it up with a damp cloth alter
tile oven COOLS.
If whitespotsremain,removethemwitha
with a vinegar and water mixture.
These deposits are usually a salt residue
that cannot be removed by the dean
If the oven is not clean alter one clean
cycle, repeat the cycle.
Y}>u cannot set the oven fi:,r cooking
tmtil the oxen is cool enough for the
door to tmlock.
If the mcl<s become hard to slide, wipe
the rock supports with cooking oil.