Usingthe self-cleaning oven.
The oven door must be closed and all controls must be set correctly for the cycle to work properly.
Wipe up heavy soil o17the oven
bottom. (appearance may vary)
Before a Clean Cycle
We recon/inend venting your kitchen
with an open window or using a
ventilation tim or hood during
the fiist sel6clean cvcle.
Reinoxe tile broiler pan, broiler grid, all
cookwai'e and [lliV ahllllintllll t0il ti'oin
tile oxen,
Tile oven racks and convection roasting
rack can be selfk'leaned, but file)" will
darken, lose their hIster and beconie
hard m slide.
Do not rise abrasives or ()veil cleanei_.
Clean the top, sides and outside of the
oven door with soap and wateI;
Make sure the oven light bulb cover
is in place and the oven light is ofl_
NOTE:See Cleaning the Oven Door in tile
Cam and Cleaning section for instructions
on how to ('lean tile innei" door Otltside
tile gasket. This area is not cleaned
during the sell=clean cycle.
IMPORTANT'.Tile health of seine birds
is extrenlelv sensitive to the fiunes given
off during tile self=cleaning cycle of
any oven. Move birds to another
well-ventilated roDin,
On double oven nlodels, you can
set a clean cycle in both ovens.
Howevei; tile last oven set will
autonlaficallv delay its stair until tile
end of the fiist oven's clean cycle.
On double oven models, )ou can
rise fin/ed baking in one o'_en and
self-clean tile other at tile sanie time.
How to Set the Oven for Cleaning
[] Select FEATURES.
[] Select SELFCLFJIN. Select tipper or
lower o'_en on double o_,en models.
Select tile desired self"clean.
A 3-hour sel6clean fiine is
recon/nlended when cleaning snlall,
contained spills. A sell_lean tiine ot
4 houI_ or longer is recolnnlended
fin" a dirtier oven.
10 (3 hi_) will self clean tile oven
fin" 3 houI_.
ST0 (4 hI_) will self clean the oven
fin" 4 houi_.
ADJUSTTIMEallows oven to be set
fin" anv tiIne between 3 and 5 hotii_.
hlput tile clean tiine (to nearest 5
ininutes) using tile nuniber pads
and select ENTER.
[] Select START
Tile door locks autonlafically. _ will
flash until door is locked. The display will
show tile clean tinie reniaining.
It will not be possible to open tile
oven door until tile tenlperature drops
below the lock tenlperature and the
(tOCK)light goes ofl.
_4]leIl tile _ (LOCK)light goes off; you
will be able to open the dooi:
To stop a clean cycle, press the
CLEAR/OFFpad. \A]/eIl tile _ (LOCK)
light goes off indicating tile oven has
cooled below tile locking tenlperature,
wm will be able to open tile dooI: