GE JT980 Oven User Manual

Usingthe traditional timed baking and roasting features.
On double oven models, you can use timed baking in one oven while using serf=clean in the other; you can also use
timed baking in both ovens at the same time.
NOTE"Foods that spoil easily--such as mLIk,eggs, fish, stuffings, poultry and pork--should not be allowed to sit for
more than t hour before or after cooking, Room temperature promotes the growth of harmful bacteria. Be sure that
the oven light is off because heat from the bulb will speed harmful bacteria growth.
How to Set an Immediate Start and Automatic Stop
Theovenwill turnonimmediatelyandcookfora
selectedlengthof time.At theendofthecookl?Tg
time,theovenwill turnoffautomatk'a//#
Make sm'e the clock shows the _effect
[] Select BAKE. Selec{ Iq)per o'_em_ or
lower ove]_ o]_ dol_ble o'_'e]_ models.
] [ ]sim__the mm_ber pads, e]_ter the
desired tern pe_ma'e.
[] Select OPTIONS.
[] Select TIMEO BAKE.
NOTE: The time com_tdown will not start until
after #Teoven is preheated
] [ ]sim_, the mm_ber pads, em_ter the
desired 1)akim_g time. The oven
tempex_tm'e amid the cookim_g time
that vol_ entered will be displa ed.
[] Select ENTER. This tells the ove]_ that
}ol_ have fim_ished settim_g it.
[] Select STARE
The dispk U will show the cham_gh_g
tempemtL_re (starti m_gat ] O0°F) a m_d the
coo]dn_g time. The display starts cha_gi_g
o_ce the temper_m_re reaches ] O0°K
The o_en will con ti_ _e to cook %r the
[)ro_l}t_)l_)led _H))oll_)[ of time, []lei) shill
off ;mtomatica]] 5 m_]ess the WARM
featm'e _as set. See the Using the proof`
warmer and warm features sectiom
prompttheusertoadd"MORET_ME"to further
cookfoodif desired.Addadditionaltimeby
C_EAR/OFFpadif foodhasf/hishedcookLng.
How to Set a Delayed Start and Automatic Stop
Youcanset the ovencontrol to delay-start the [] Select ENTER.
oven,cookfor a specihclength of t_meand then
turnoff automatical/g [] Select START.
Make sure the clock shows the correct
[Jill e of da_:
[] Select BAKE. Select upper oven or
lower o_,ei] on double o_,ei] models.
If _ou would like to check tile times _ou
ha_eset,select REVIEWTIMES.You irave
the option to see delta time, dock, bake
tillle or tiI/leI:
Using tile number pads, enter tile
desired temperature.
[] Using the number pads, enter the
desired baking time.
NOTE:Thetimecountdownwfflnot startuntil
aftertheovenis preheated
[] Select ENTER.
[] Select OPTIONS.
[] Select DELAYBAKE.
[] Using the nmnber pads, enter tile
time of de))ou want the o_en to
turn oil and stnrt cooking.
_&hen the oven turns on at the time
of day you ha',e set, tile display will
show tile changing temperatm'e
(stniling at ] O0°F) and tile cookiilg
time. The display starts changing once
the temperatm'e reaches lO0°E
The oven will continue to cook for the
programmed amom]t of time. After the
usertoadd"MORETIME"to furthercookfood
if desirecLAddadditionalt/knebyselecting
MORETIME Entertraditionalcookingt/knein
padif foodhasf_h/shedcooking.The o'_enwill
turn off automaficall), tmless tile WARM
f_'atm'e was set. See the Using the proof,
warmer and warm features section.