Convection Roast
Goodfor large tendercuts of meat, uncovered
Tile convection tim circulates tile heated
air evenly over and around tile fl)od.
Meat and poulti T are browned on all
sides as if they were cooked (m a
rotisserie. Using tile roasting rack
provided, heated air will be circulated
ovei; under and around tile fi)od being
roasted. Tile heated air seals in juices
quickly fin" a moist and tender product
while, at the Sallle fillle, creating a rich
golden brown extefioI:
When w)u are convection roasting, it is
important that you use tile broiler pan
and grid and tile special roasting rack fin.
best convection roasting results. Tile pan
is used to catch grease spills and tile gdd
is used to prevent grease spattei_, while
tile rack allo_vs tile heated air to circulate
under tile meat and increase browning
on tile undei_ide of tile meat or poultI]'.
Place tile grid on tile broiler pan
and put tile roasting rack over them,
lllaking S/li'e tile posts on tile roasting
rack fit into tile holes ill broiler pan.
Place tile meat on tile roasting rack.
When baking cookies, you will
get the best results if you use a
flat cookie sheet instead of a
pan with low side&
Cookware for Convection Cooking
Bet0re using your convection oven,
check to see if vour cookware leaves
room fin"air circulation ill tile oven.
If you are baking with several pans, leave
space between thenl. _Mso, be sure tile
pans do not touch each other or tile
wails of tile oven.
Paper and Plastic
Heat-resist;rot paper and plastic
containei_ that aI'e i'eCOllllllended _'i)i"
use in regular ovens can be used for
convection baking, but shouldn't be
used at temperatures higher than tile
telllpei'attli'e i'ecollllllendation (H' tile
cookware ill,in {llilCttlI'eI i
Metal and Glass
Ally type of cookware will work ill wmr
convection oven. Howevei; metal I)ans
heat tile fi_stest and are recommended
fin" convection baking.
Glassor ceramicpans cookmore slowlg
For recipes like ovenq)aked chicken,
use a pan with low sides. Hot air cannot
drculate well around food ill a pan with
high sides.
How to Set the Oven for Convection Baking or Roasting
On double oven models, select
tlppeI" 0I" lower o_,ei1.
Select CONVMULTI fin" multi-rack
convection baking,. This mode is
used fi)r cooking fi)od items (m
more than one rack (i.e., 9, 3 or
more racks) at tile same time ill
convection bake. See Multi-Rack
Baking section for more infbmmtion.
Select CONVI-RACKIor one rack
convection baking. This mode is
used filr cooking fi)od items on only
(me rack ill convection bake.
Select CONVROASTfi)rconvection
] Press tile munber pads to set tile
desired oxen temperature.
[] Select START.
_A]/en tile oven starts to heat, tile
changing mmperature, starting at 100°E
will be displayed. _,_]/en tile oven reaches
tile temperature you set, 3 beeps will
To change tile oven temperature, select
HOME. Select CONVECTION and the
desired convection mode. Then use the
mnnber pads to set tile new temperature
and select START.
[] Press CLEAR/OFF pad when finished.
Youwill heara fanwhilecookingwith
convection.Theconvectionfanwill stopwhen
thedooris opened,buttheheatwillnot
baking.Thisb normal