Using traditional bake and mast. coacom
Toavoid possible bums, place the racks in the desired position before you turn the oven on.
Cut slits in UTefo ust lille tRegrin.
Aluminum Foit
Yolx crux Ixse _dLmxhmm %]1 to ]hxe the
broiler I:xm mxd broiler grid, Ho_e_ ex;
vI]L/mlxst mold dxe {kx]]tighdy to the grid
amxd clxt s]ks imxit ilxst ]]ke dxe grid.
Never entirely cover a rack with alumin.m
foil, This wi]] disturb dxe heat circlx]_domx
amxd reslx]t ]mxpoor bakimxg
A smaller sheet of foil m_v be Ixsed to
catch a spi]]o_ er by p]achxg ]t o_] _ lower
_ck seve_] hxches below the %od.
Preheating and Pan Placement for Baking
Preheat the oven if the recipe calls fi>r it.
To preheat, set the oven at the correct
ten]perature. Preheating is necessary tk>r
good results when baking cakes, cookies,
pastxT and breads.
Baking results will be better if baking pans
aI'e cei]teFed ii] the ovei] as ii] rich as
possible. Pans should not touch each
other or the walls of the oven. If you need
tO Ixse tWO I'aCk% txse CONVMULTIII]ode
described ix] Usiag the coavoctioa modes
section ti)r best results, pladng food on
rocks A and D (B and E fi>r lower oven
on double oven models).
NOTE: Ondouble wall ovens,the rackdesl)n is
unique forthe upper TrivectionTmoven.Dueto
this, the upperovenracksand the lower oven
racksare notinterchangeable.
Rack Position
Trivectioff" Lower
TypeofFood 30' Oven 30" Oven
Frozenpies BorC CorD
Angelfoodcake A A
Bundtorpoundcakes B B
Biscuits,muffins, BorC CorD
Casseroles BorC CorD
How to Set the Oven for Baking or Roasting
Select BAKE.Select upper o'_en or
lower o_ei] Oil double o_ei] models.
Press the number pads to set the
desired temperature.
NOTE:A coolingfanmayautomaticallyturnon
andoff tocoolintema/parts.Thisis normal,and
Select START.The display will show
• tern )eratm'e (startingthe changing I
at 10f)°F). The displa} starts
changing once the temperature
reaches 100°E
[] Check fi:,od fiw doneness at
minimum time on recipe. Cook
longer if necessax).
[] Press the CLEAR/OFFpad when
cooking, is coml)lete.