"!' St_lf/*d bi_z]_ ,W_*e_all) _quin" 3045
mb _d*,_ addidomll _as/bt_, lime.
Sldeld k,_s a_d blz,a_t mith /uil to
plYl'('_! oze_fl_:,u)_i)l,_a_d (hyi)l,_
{' Tke (LS.i)@aHme_l ul kg'rD*tlht*l,
sho_t/dI,'_ow thai mol,'D*<il too_*13
140<7mem** some /uod #)i*o_*bg
llood Book. }b*l_Kiig:ke_(,l_igh'.{ SI)A
Hew to Set a Belayed Start and Automatic Step
cook for a specific/ength of time and then turn off
Make sm'e d3e clock shows the correct time
of da_
[] ()N_double ovem_models, selec_
i_p])ev or ]ov,'er o','eH.
[] Select CONVMULTI}brmulti-rock
com'ecti(m 1)akh]g. This mode is
_*sed Jh)r coo]d_g }hod items o]_
more than one rock (i.e., 2, 3 or
F_o]'e 1"at ],is) at the S;;H'_e th'_e iH
c(mvecdon bake. See Mu/ti-Racl{
Baking section for more h_}bm_adon.
Select CONV _-RACKIbr one rack
co_vect]o]_ baking. This mode is
meal for cooki_g _bod items (m o_]y
o_]e rack h_ comecthm bake.
Select CONVROA$Tfl)rco_wecdon
] Press the mm]ber pads to set the
desired o_e_] tem})eratm'e.
[] Select OPTIONS.
[] Selec_ TIMEO BAKE.
] I[]siw, the mm_ber pads, e_ter the
desired com ection cooki_g time.
NOTE"Thetimecountdownwill notstartuntil
afterbe ovenispreheateK
[] Select ENTER.
[] Selec_ OPTIONS.
[] Selec_ OELAYRAKE.
] []ai_g the mm_ber )ads e_ter the
[] Se]ec_ ENTER.
[] Select STARE
Jf_ou would like to check the times _ou
have set, select REVIEWTIME£ You have
the option to see de]a_ time, clock, cook
dine or dme]:
\Vhe_] the oven starts to ]]eat, the
changi_g temperature, starti_g at ] O0°K
will be disphu}e(L \_J_e_* the oven reaches
the temperature yo_*set, 3 beeps will
som_ d.
The ove_] Will co_]tim_e to cook %r the
prognmm]ed amom]t of rime. After tire
cookingtl?nehasendeg the oven willprompt the
userto aW "MORE TIME" to h_rthercookfood
if desire_ Add additional time by selecting
MORE TIME EntertTaditiona/cookingt/_e _?_
minutee andselectSTARE PressCLEAR/OFF
pad if foodhas f/7_ishedcook/ng.The oven *rill
mrn off automatic:d]), re]less the WARM
fbatm'e _as set, See the Settings section.
Press the CLEAR/OFFpad to dear
the disp]a):
Cenvection Roasting Guide
Meats Minutes/Lb. Oven Temp. Internal Temp.
Beef Rib,BonelessRib, Rare 26_4 325°F 146°Ft
TopSirloin Medium 2406 325°F 160°F
(3to 5 ibs.} Well 28_2 325°F 176°F
BeefTenderloin Rare 16 14 325°F 140°Ft
Medium 14 16 325°F 166°F
Perk Bone-in,Boneless{3 to5 Ibs.} 23_7 325°F 176°F
Chops0/2 to I" tbick) 2cbops 36 35total 325°F 176°F
4cbops 35 46total 325°F 176°F
6cbops 46 45total 325°F 176°F
Ham Canned,Butt,Shank(3to 5 Ibs.fully cooked) 14 16 325°F 146°F
[aorb Bone-in,Boneless{3 to5 Ibs.} Medium 17_0 325°F 166°F
Well 2604 325°F 176°F
Seafood Fish,whole {3to 5 Ibs.) 36 46total 460°F
LobsterTails(6to 6oz.each) 20 25total 386°F
Poultry WholeChicken(2Yzto 3YzIbs.) 24_6 356°F 186° 185°F
CornishHensUnstuffed(1to 11/_Ibs.) 50 55total 356°F 160° 165°F
Stuffed(1 to lYzIbs.) 55 66total 350°F 166° 165°F
Duckling(4to 5 Ibs.) 24_6 325°F 166° 185°F
Unstuffed06 to 16Ibs.) 6 11 325°F 160° 185°F
Unstuffed06 to 24 Ibs.) 7 10 325°F 166° 185°F
TurkeyBreast(4 to6 Ibs.) 16 19 325°F 176°F