GE JT980 Oven User Manual

Usingthe Sabbath Feature.
(Designedforuseon theJewish SabbathandHolidays.)
How to Set for Sabbath Feature in Timed Baking/Roasting--
Immediate Start and Automatic Stop
Select BAKE.
()N_ dol_b]e ovem_ models, select
Ilpper or ]ox_er ove]k
[Jsim_gthe m_im_ber pads, en ter d_e
desired tempe_m_re between 170°F
mM 550°K No audible signals will be
givem_and m_otemperature will be
Select TIMEBBAKE.Em_ter die desired
CookiD_ tlD_e I_SiD_ the DlOH]ber
pads. Note d]at die coo]d_]g dine
_rH_l ]_Ot start to com/t (]<}_rl_ [l_ti]
aRer preheat is complete, Select
ENTER,This tells die oven that veil
have fimshed settim_g it.
Select START.
Select ROME, d_en FEATURES,
d]en MORE.
Select SABBATH. No audiNe signal
wi]] be _oiven m_d the temperature
_rH]] disappear f?om the time am_(;[
tempe_:mH'e display: The e]eme]_t
amid o'_e]] ictms _rH]]remah_ displayed
to indicate that the (we]_ is o_] mid the
cookim_g tim e _rH]] remai m_displayed.
Double oven model control screen
NOTE:The tempe]vm*re cm]not be
cham_ged dm'im_g a Timed Bake_ Se]ectim_g
bake, em_terim_g a tempemtm'e a_]d pressi_g
STARTwiH dear a_y programmed Timed
Bake m_d start the _e_ setti_gs.
\\3]e_ coo]d_g is fimshed, _:OOwi]]
appear i_ the time a_d tempe_:m_re
display. Then the 0q_:00 along with the
i_Micati_]gthat the ove_ has tm3_ed OFF.
The control remai_s i_ the Sabbath
Once in Sabbath Feature, How to Set for Baking/Roasting or Adjust
Baking Temperature (upper oven of double wall ovens only)
[] Select BAKE.No audible signal xfill
be gi;en.
[] Using the number pads, enter tl_(o .
desired temperatm'e between 1t ) F
and 550°E No audible signals will be
gixen and no temperatm'e will be
[] Select START No audil)le signal will
be gi;en.
Whensetting the ovenfor baking/roasting,
the elementand ovenicons will light after
a randomdelayperiod ofapproximately
30secondsto 1minuteto indicatethat the
ovenis baking/roasting,ff theelementand
ovenicons donot appearin the time and
temperaturedisplay,startagain at step 1.
Thecontrol didnot recognizethe
temperatureenteredasa validtemperature,
Whenadjustingthetemperature setting
of theoven,theelementandoven icons
remainlit to indicate that theovenis stiff
on.ff tbe elementand oven icons turnoff,
startagain at step 1.Thecontrol did not
recognizethetemperatureentered asa
TheGlassTouchnumberpad surfaceis
solidand will not depresswhenpushed.
Tomakesure that anycommandentered
while usingSabbathregistersforthe Glass
Touch,ensurethatthe entirepad of your
fingeris squarelyoverthe keypadfor
two seconds.Make sure not to overlap
anotherpad while touching thedesired
pad--be especiallycareful aroundthe
CANCELkey so that theprogrammed
cookingmodeisnot exitedaccidentally.
Thelower wall ovenof a doublewall oven
can notbe started or thetemperature
changedonce in the Sabbathfeature.
However,the lower walloven can be set
beforeentering theSabbathfeature.