Usingthe convection modes.
In a convection oven,a fan circulates hot air
over, under andaround the food
This circulating hot ak is evenly distnT)uted
throughout the oven cavity.As a result, foods
are evenly cooked andbrowned--often in less
time with convection heat.
NOTE: Theconvection fanmay cycle onand off
and changedirection while cookingto best
distribute hotak in the oven.Theconvectionoven
fan shuts off when the ovendoor is opened
DONOTleave the door open fi>r hmg
pefi(>ds of tilne while using convecfitm
cooking or you Inay shorten the life of
the COlwection headng elemelm
1-Rack Convection Baking
The convection tim circulates the heated
air evenly over and around the food
using the bake and broil elelnents.
WhenconvectionbakingwithonlyI rack,use
CONVI RACKandforbestresuitsp/acethe
rackonsheffBorC in theTrivection_ oven,or
models,at thecenterof theoven.Cooktimes
Ideal for cooking lalge casseroles and
lasagna with good results,
Multi-rack position, Trivecfion TM Oven.
Multi-rack position, lower oven.
MuM-Rack Convection Baking
Becm_se heated air is circulated evenE
d_roughom d_e ovem fbods c:m be
baked wid] excellent results i_sim_g
multiple ]:_cks.
The amolto t of dine req Ifired [br
]mdti-mck bakh_g may im_crease s]ighd}
{br sore e {i)ods, bl*t o_emll tim e is saved
bec_ use two to three dmes as m _c]] {bed
iS cooked a[ elite. Cookies, ml_nh_s,
biscuits m_d od]er quick breads give
good resl_]ts wkh ml_]d-mck ba]dm_g.
To cook food oralmore dial? oNlelwck
h_ convectiom_ bake, I*se CONVMULTL
Yrivection _"Oven
When baki,_g on 3 _cks, place one
rack h_ the {irst (A) position, o_e
im_die d_ird (C) posidom_ amid one im_
t]_e 5t]_ (E) posidon.
Whe_ bakh_g o_ 3 x_cks, place o_e x_ck
i_] the seco]_d (B) posidom o]_e i_ the
fbm'd_ (D) position a_d one i_ d_e 6d_
(F) posidom
uniquefor the u_qperTrivecfionrMoven.Dueto
this, t¢}eupperoven recksand the lower oven
racksare not bterchangeabb.
Auto Recipe TM Conversion
\_%e_ co_wectio_ baki_g, the Auto
Recipe _ (2o[wersio[] _eatu['e automatically
reduces the set traditiomfl baki[*g
temperatm'e b} the _'ecomme_ded 25°E
See Auto Recipe _ ( o*]versio*] i[] the
Seg[ngs section].
Usepan sizerecommended
Somepackageinstructions for frozen
casseroiesor main disheshave been
developedusing commercialconvection ovens.
Forbest resu/ts in this oven,preheat the oven
and usethe traditionai temperatureon the