Other Speedcooking Tips...
Youmustpreheat your oven.
Put tile tood in tile oven after the
preheat beep when tile oven control
displays "Put Food In Oven" and then
press START Youmustpress the START
key alter placing the foodin the oven to
Matt the speedcook mode.
_]/en choosing a speedcook tood
category, refer to tile chart on page 16.
All frozen foods should be speedcooked
using the FROZENFOODS category.
_]/en baking potatoes, tile
recommended cooking temperature
is 350°F and cooking time is 90 minutes
fin" mediunl sized potatoes. Add an
additional 15-30 minutes fin" lmge
potatoes or when baking more than
_( )/1I" potntoes.
In general, when cooking meats wrapped
in dough or reti_igerated dough product,
use the Biscuit/Roll or BakedGoods
For redpes using a lmge quanfit)'
(ff cheese, milk and/or eggs, use the
gakedGoods categm}'.
imger amounts offiiod or multiple racks
ot flxid may require additional time.
Check tood doneness as ix'tnnlXed and
continue cooking as needed.
Items such as appetizei_, cookies, biscuits
and rolls can be speed baked on multiple
racks. Cooking time may increase slightly
fin" some toods, but since two or three
racks of tood are being cooked at tile
same time, tile overall result is substantial
time saved.
_]/en cooking multiple items or pans,
leave space between tl/em fin" nmxinmm
air circulation.
Cakes and quick breads (banana,
zucchini or pmni_kin bread) are not
reconm/ended tot m ulfiple rack speed
baking. Place cakes side-by-side on one
rack if speed baking. When using more
than one rack to cook these toods, use
CONVMULTImode. See Usingthe
convection modes section.
Cooking times will \my depending on
tile cut of meat. Check fi)r doneness at
mininmnl finle. Note:Meats will continue
to cook and internal temi)eramres will
IJse atter they aI'e i'eilloved J[i'Oill tile oven
(standing time).
Use tile broiler pan and grid provided
with w)ur oven fin" best results.
_s in a conventional _wen, almninunl foil
may be used to shield food--to ix'event
overbrowning or overcooking (i.e., placing
small strips ot toil on tiI> of wings and legs
of poultIT). Mso, foil coveI_ may be ranted
over tood (i.e., large frozen casseroles)
toward tile end ot fl/eir cook time to
prevent ()x'erbIx)wning or ()x'ercooking.
Make sure that the toil is securely attached
to the tood. Howevei; lmge an/ounts of
foil or flllly enclosing tood in foil blocks
the microwave ener_:, which eliminates
time savings.
Do not use oven thermometers, meat
thermometers or wire twist-ties in the
oven while speedcooking.
Pop-u l) themlometei_ in your meat
may be inaccurate. Check file temi)emtme
of tile meat with a tlmmlometer after
removing tile meat flx)m tile oven.
For best results, speed bake turkeys
Rackpositions, rrivoctiod_Ovon.
Rack Positions for Speed Baking...
If cooking on one rack, place food so that it is al)l)roMnmtely centered in tile oven.
Rack Positionsand Examples
C Cookies,pizza,pie, muffins, cakes,biscuits,casseroles
B Loavesofbread,bundt cakes,meat loaf, smafl andmedium roasts,whole chicken
A Verytaft items.turkey,large roasts,angelfoodcakes
If cooking on two racks, use rack positions A and D to provide lots of space between
items fin" optimal results.
If cooking on three racks, use rack positions A, C and E. [_