1 Introduction
Theory of operation
This Dual Rotor Pump Dispenser has been specially designed and tested for
application of the Loctite
range of products.
It has two separately operating pump units, which can be controlled individually.
These pumps deliver a nearly pulsation free flow of material and offer efficient
performance at high pressure.
The electronic pump control system provides accurate control of product component
mixing ratios and allows all settings required for trouble-free operation.
Mixing of the two parts of the product occurs within the pneumatically operated
meter-mix dispense gun. Depending on the setting, material is dispensed either timed
or manually controlled.
To prevent post-dispense dripping, an adjustable amount of product is sucked back
by reversing the direction of rotation.
Positioning of the meter-mix dispense gun in the optional docking station is detected
by an induction sensor, where the electronic pump control system triggers a purging
cycle which can be set to run at regular intervals. This effectively prevents mixers
from becoming blocked and maintains full operational capability of the dispensing
station also in case of prolonged idle times.
The pumps are equipped with quick-connect clamping fixtures for connection to the
drive motors. Whenever a different product is to be processed, the meter-mix
dispense gun with its tubes and lines can be replaced without the use of tools.
Product availability (filled product container), maximum operating pressure and the
pump motors are monitored electronically. In case of failure the electronic pump
controller shuts the dispensing station off and displays a relevant error message.
A receptacle prevents deformation of the container as well as product escaping
during the operating process. 3 centering pins are provided for correct alignment with
the pump unit.