
Windows 95 and Windows 98
1. Create a new connection in Hyper Terminal and name it HACCP.
2. In the Phone Number dialog box, click on Connect Using and select
either COM 1, COM 2, ...OR COM n, depending on which of the PCs
serial interfaces is connected to the combi steamer. Click OK.
3. In the Properties dialog box that appears, select the following settings:
Bits per second:9600
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits:
Flow control: None
Click OK.
4. In the Hyper Terminal main window, click File and select Properties from
the pull down menu.
5. Click on the Settings tab and select VT-100 from the Emulation menu.
Click OK.
6. In the Hyper Terminal main window, click Transfer and select Capture Text.
7. A name must be given for the text file. You must include the txt with
your file name. Click OK.
For Windows NT 4.0 or higher and Windows 2000, please refer to the
appropriate operating manuals or consult your organizations network
technical support personnel.
Evaluating data
Data downloaded from the combi includes a header, the temperature data, and
an end character. Tabs separate the individual temperatures in a data record.
This makes it easy to import data into suitable spreadsheet or database software.
A data record is comprised of the following three values:
1. Core temperature of food
2. Cabinet temperature
3. Number of minutes elapsed since the start of recording.
The current date and the start time (of the cooking process) should be entered
(manually) via the PC.
A graphical display of temperature progressions has proved useful.
Always ensure that once cooking is over, a clear signal is sent to the staff
operating the unit that the cooking process parameters have been adhered
to (i.e. that the core temperature has been reached).
A non-temperature data record can be identified by the fact that the first
character is a semicolon.
The batch number is automatically numbered from 0 upwards for each
cooking cycle.
The temperature data measured is sent at 60-second intervals.
The termination time is output in minutes and seconds.
The end character consists of the message end***.
HACCP Interface