You can set theoven for cooking 80 recipes by simply
touching RECIPE #, the numbers corresponding with
the desired preset recipe, then START,
The preset controlsystemin theoven contains25
recipes thathavebeen preset. The Timesor
Temperatures and Power Levelsfor these recipes
cannotbe changed.However theamountof food
cookedin presetrecipes#1 through17 canbe
increased up to 5.9 timesthe presetquantity,andup to
2;9 times in recipes #18 and 19oTo increasethe
quantityin these recipes,follow the directionon this
page_Refer to thecookbookfor detailedinstructions
on the 25 presetrecipes.
To cook one of the 25 preset recipes, simply follow
the stepsbelow.
1. Touch CLEAR,
2, Touch RECIPE #_
"0" will show in the display window.
3, Touch number(s) for Preset Recipes, Refer to
PresetRecipesList on page 41.
EXAMPLE: When you cook Brownie Mix of
Recipe # 19,touch "1"then "9"."19" willshow in
the display window.
4. Touch START,,
Time of the first cooking stage will show in the dis-
play window and you can see thetime counting
down° As soon as the first cooking stage is over,
the second cookingstagebegins.When the se-
cond cooking stageis over,a tone will sound and
the oven wiU automatically shut off_
You can program favoriterecipesoftenused.These
can be assignedas Recipes #26--80..
1 stage recipesshouldbe stored in #26--40
2 stage recipes should be stored in #41--70o
3 stage reciPes should be stored in #71--80_
Directions for programming new recipes are on page
Ifyou have not storeda recipeinRecipe # 26 to
Recipe # 80,thedisplaywindow willflashand tell
you that no preset recipe has been stored in the oven
for that recipe numbeL
To Increase Quantity of Recipes #1--#I9
1. Touch CLEAR,
2. "Touch RECIPE 0°
3. Touch numbers for the Preset Recipe,
"0.0" wlJ show in the displaywindow.
5. Touch numbersfor the multiplication factor.
To double the recipe, touch "2" and "0".
To triplethe recipe, touch"3" and "0"o
6. Touch START_
NOTES:The range of multiplication is 1.1 times to59
times (Recipes #1--17) and to 2.9 times
(Rm:ipes#18 and 19) of the Base Quantity
which is preset in the oven. The increments
within the above range is 0..1.Multiplication
can be used in Recipes # 1--_!9o When you
set the multiplication of Base Quantity be-
" yond therangeof1.1--5.9(Recipes
#I--17)or 1,1--2_9(Recipes#18 and 19),
the oven will not start even ifyou touch
EXAMPLE: To cook three hot dogs per Recipe #4°
1o Touch CLEAR.
2. Touch RECIPE #,
3. Touch "4".
4. Touch QUANTITY.
5,, Touch "3" and "0".
6 Touch START..