Uncrating the Sharpener
Refer to Figures 2-1 and 2-2:
1. First, remove the eight (8) bolts securing he sharp-
ener to the pallet. Fig. 2-1 (#1)
2. Using a fork lift, narrow the forks so they slide un-
der the drain pan from the rear. Be careful to
avoid hoses and electrical components. Make
sure that the forks do not slide all the way up to
the back of the Control Panel, Fig. 2-2 (#2), but
have deep enough to lift the sharpener such that it
is not unbalanced or top heavy.
Locating The Grinder
The following instructions apply mainly to a
Combination Sharpener only. However, it is
the manufacturer’s recommendation that, if
space is available, this locating procedure be
Place the sharpener in a location with adequate light-
ing. It is considered that 13,400 Lumens at the working
surface is adequate. This amount of lighting can be
obtained by two (2) 8-foot fluorescent lights at a mini-
mum height of 8 feet.
Leave a minimum of four (4) feet between the controls
and the wall in back of the operator, if such is the case.
The sharpener should face an open area of the shop
as the reel units will be installed from the “shop side” of
the sharpener.
Securing the Sharpener
Read steps 1 through 9 before starting. Im-
proper leveling may cause distortion of the
sharpener bed.
1. Remove any brackets that have been installed for
2. Attach a stabilizer leg to each end, but do not
tighten. Fig. 2-1 (#4).
3. Mark the floor through the four (4) holes at the
base of the sharpener and the two (2) at each sta-
bilizer leg. Fig. 2-1 (#1).
4. Remove the legs, shift sharpener out of the way,
drill holes in the floor and insert anchors.
5. Shift the sharpener back over the anchors and
replace the legs.
6. Holding the legs to the side wall of the sharp-
ener, fasten bolts until finger tight. Fig. 2-1 (#4)
7. Place an engineer’s level on the two (2) round
bars directly over each end of the cast bed.
Level the sharpener front to back and left to
right. Use flat shim stock under the four bolts
around the base of the sharpener for proper
leveling, if needed.
8. Tighten the anchor bolts securely to the floor.
Fig. 2-1 (#1)
Do not tighten the stabilizer legs to sharp-
ener before securing them to the floor.
9. Tighten the stabilizer legs (#5) to sharpener
through slots at (#4).