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Fruits and Ve ge t a bl e s
When adding fruits or ve g e t a bles to recipes, do not exceed the amount listed.These products, if used in
ex c e s s i ve amounts, may inhibit the rising of the bread.
N u t s
Nuts are interchangeable and optional in all recipes — almonds, wa l nu t s , cashews or pecans.You decide.
Substitute in equal amounts.
Using the Delay T i m e r
If you are going to use the delay timer, make sure the yeast is added last, on top of the flour and away
from all liquids.This will keep the yeast from activating until the machine starts to mix.
Bread Mixes And Other Recipe Books
Use mixes labeled for up to 2 pound loave s. For best results, use the BASIC LIGHT progra m . E ve n
though we offer a wide va riety of recipes for bread and dough, you may be looking for one that we have
not included in our recipe book. B r e a d m a ker helpful hints and recipe books are ava i l a ble at book and
retail stores.T h ey offer a wide va riety of recipes. For best results use a1 1/2 lb (3 cups) or 2 lb (4 cups)
recipe to fill the Breadmake r ’s Hearth pan. R e fer to Breadmaker Program Specifications for the best bread
p r o gram to use for other recipes. Minor adjustments may be necessary for best results.
High Altitude
High elevations may make dough rise fa s t e r.We recommend that you try the recipe as it is printed first. I f
you find the results are unsuccessful, decrease your yeast 1/4 teaspoon at a time.You may also have to
increase the wa t e r; s t a rt with 2 tablespoons and increase it if necessary. The addition of gluten will help
the structure of the bread.The recommended amount is 1 teaspoon per cup of flour.
GENERAL BAKING (Cakes, Q u i ck Bread, E t c . )
You may have to make adjustments in recipes if you live above 3,000 fe e t . Try smaller amounts first, then
m a ke any necessary adjustment the next time you bake. Use these guidelines only IF these ingredients
are in the recipe.
increase water or milk 1-4 T B L
decrease baking pow d e r 1/8-1/4 tsp
decrease sugar 1-3 T B L
baking soda may require a slight reduction
At 6,000-6,500 feet, the fo l l owing adjustments are recommended IF these ingredients are in the
r e c i p e s :
increase water or milk 1 T B L
decrease baking pow d e r 1/4 tsp
decrease sugar 2 T B L
baking soda may require a slight reduction
Freezing Baked Breads and Rolls
When freezing breads and rolls, cool them before wrapping in plastic wra p. Place them in a plastic bag
and seal it. Bread may be frozen for up to six we e k s. When you thaw, partially open the wrapping to allow
the moisture to escape gradually for best results.