How to Use This Guide
xii Applied Biosystems
Chapter 5, Examining Spectrum
Describes processing and analyzing mass
spectral data.
Chapter 6, Using Tools and
Describes how to generate results using
several tools and applications: the Centroid
calculator, Elemental Composition
calculator, Isotope calculator, Mass
Resolution calculator, Ion Fragmentation
calculator and Signal-to-Noise calculator.
Also describes using the Macro Recorder
and the Elemental Targeting Application.
Chapter 7, Data Explorer Examples Includes specific examples for Mariner data
and Voyager data. Examples include how to
improve the signal-to-noise ratio for
reserpine, deconvolute unresolved peaks in
cyctochrome c (Mariner data), and label
partially resolved peaks (Voyager data).
Chapter 8, Viewing Voyager PSD
Describes how to view, label, and calibrate
PSD data.
Chapter 9, Troubleshooting Includes symptoms and possible causes of,
and corrective actions for potential system
Appendix A, Warranty Provides warranty and service information.
Appendix B, Overview of Isotopes Includes background information you need
for understanding isotopes.
Appendix C, Data Explorer Toolbox
(Visual Basic Macros)
Describes loading Visual Basic
preparing data, and running the macros.
Chapter/Appendix Content