Chapter 3 Peak Detection and Labeling
3-58 Applied Biosystems
7. Select label attributes:
• Overlapping—Allows labels to be displayed when
peaks are close together.
• Peak bounds—Displays peak start, peak end,
and baseline.
• Orientation—Specifies Horizontal, 45-degree, or
Vertical labels.
8. Select label content to be displayed in addition to m/z:
• Area—Integrated area of peak, displayed with an
“A” label.
• Charge State—Charge state of peak, displayed
with a “z” label, where the “z” represents a positive
or negative charge.
NOTE: A “z” is displayed for positive or negative ions.
To determine the actual charge of the ions, display the
Instrument Setting tab in the Data Explorer Output
window. See “Output window” on page 1-15 for
information. Check the listed polarity. For spectra
acquired in positive ion mode, positive ions are
produced. For spectra acquired in negative ion mode,
negative ions are produced.
9. To create custom labels, select User Labels, then click
User Label Setup. See Section 3.5.3, Setting Custom
Peak Labels.
10. Click OK.
The trace is displayed.